About the website

This website is part of the Plastics Re-use and Recycling Platform under the Climate KIC CMA programme. The website is set up by the Delft University of Technology.

The goal of the website is to help plastic professionals to exchange plastic resources or half products, that are ussually discarded. With this exchange the plastic professionals turn these materialsinto a profit. Re-using plastics that are ussually discarded, saves CO2-emissions. The Delft University of Technology researches the effect of these websites on the cooperation between enterprises, as a part of the field of industrial symbiosis.

The research will continue to the end of 2014. This website will operate as part of the project free of use. Plastic processing professionals can post their rest-materials for free. The users will be asked voluntairily via e-mail to fill in a small questionnaire as part of the research project. The data will be kept and reported anonimiously.